Please keep all posts positive and sincere.
We are here to support each other.
Please report all negative posts, and/or scroll on past!
Only feed the positivity! Engage and interact with others and keep on supporting!
Please, do not post advertisements for products, services, donations, self-promotions or external events not sponsored by RTE.
Please try to keep any non-fitness-related topics or controversies outside this safe space. This rule includes images and links, so make sure to check with us if you have questions about what you can post.
Violating our community standards could be cause for removal from this community without warning.
We are here to support each other.
Please report all negative posts, and/or scroll on past!
Only feed the positivity! Engage and interact with others and keep on supporting!
Please, do not post advertisements for products, services, donations, self-promotions or external events not sponsored by RTE.
Please try to keep any non-fitness-related topics or controversies outside this safe space. This rule includes images and links, so make sure to check with us if you have questions about what you can post.
Violating our community standards could be cause for removal from this community without warning.