Cathy B. (1224212482)


I did it! With 1 major surgery, 4 procedures and a herniated disc w/ a tear effecting my left leg I still did it! My goal and message is simple believe, have faith, hope, lot of love! I know there’s others struggling, do the best you can, learn from this year and next year we will be WARRIORS!!!
Thank you for your words of encouragement! I'm struggling right now, I'm going to barely make it. It's just been alot, between kids being sick alot this year and life events.
I can definitely understand! Keep at it, I’ve never done this before so I’m taking what I learned this year and applying it for next year. I’ll still have a painful procedure every 3 months, but I’m learning walking helps it be less painful! Do your best, keep at it!

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Run The Year
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Cathy B. (1224212482)
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