
As an autoimmune, neurological, and autonomic dysfunction patient, I am a physically challenged outdoor athlete. Staying active and fit keeps my illnesses well-managed.

I have been hiking and camping since childhood. In 2006, I could not walk or even stand most of the year. In 2010 I was first diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and UCTD, then a heart condition in 2011, and later on systemic lupus. I began educating myself, seeking better solutions than the typical treatments. By 2016 my cardiac stress tests verified I had gone from 45% ejection fraction (below normal) to 65% and stable (athletic conditioning), supposedly not possible for me.

Next, I dedicated myself for a few years to dropping 75 lbs and got back into serious hiking. Then in 2019, I summited Half Dome in Yosemite Nat’l Park, at age 52 - a dream goal I had to let go when I was so severely disabled. Since then, I have established myself in livestream broadcasting as a motivational speaker, and I teach taking back your quality of life with catastrophic illness and injury, on the foundation of a no excuses lifestyle. There are still better days ahead. ⚔️

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