Tammy L
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  • I need to find balance: training, work, house, family. Any advice for 2023?
    I heard a talk once that said you can only do "3 things well," meaning you can prioritize 3 things, and the rest will not get your full attention. Example: Family, Health, Work. It really hit me. 1) Pick the things that matter MOST & prioritize them 2) Have grace & different expectations for the things not in my "top 3." Not easy, but we can only do so much. I try to focus on the things I don't want to miss out on :)
    Tammy L
    I am trying to tell myself multitasking is not a superpower and that it’s not always admirable. Three things. Makes sense. Thank you!! 💜
    I’d say it gets better as you age and kids leave home but I’m not finding that true. 😂
    Date night last night doing the Christmas Street Stroll. We did a casual mile and a half and not a single picture. 😂😂😂 sheesh… gotta get a run today for energy burn.
    My day off work. I’m a dietary cook in a long term care unit. It’s demanding and rewarding. But today I’ll be starting off with some quilting because my soul needs it.

    Then I’ll go finish my mental check up with a quick 5k. Happy Friday Eve! #ZeeTheRedFox
    Gym sesh! I hit the recumbent bike, elliptical, and weights. I know I’m just starting back after three months off because of moving. But dang! I’m disappointed in me. Lol! Happy Saturday y’all! Much love!
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