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  1. Colette S. (4123262977)


  2. Colette S. (4123262977)

    I got 300 miles yesterday. The little boy in the picture got a hat trick. His team played were...

    I got 300 miles yesterday. The little boy in the picture got a hat trick. His team played were rock stars in their games. #proudofmyself #proudofmyson #proudcoach #proudofmyteam
  3. Colette S. (4123262977)

    Comment by 'Colette S. (4123262977)' in media '20230223_095757.jpg'

    This really motivates me each day; even on my flair up days!
  4. 20230223_095757.jpg


    This sits on the wall in front of my desk in our homeschool room. It is there for me to see and my kids to see. As I accomplished each mile marker, it gets added. It also has my Spartan medal and a daily "Where you are suppose to be." #motivation
  5. Colette S. (4123262977)

    I know it is not much, but I am moving. And considering what I am fighting against today; fibro...

    I know it is not much, but I am moving. And considering what I am fighting against today; fibro exhaustion going into a flair up and a cold; I think 6 easy miles on the stationary bike is acceptable for today. I'll probably do a little stretching too.