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  1. Phoenix

    I was about there last year (and finished at 2064). You can do this!!

    I was about there last year (and finished at 2064). You can do this!!
  2. Phoenix

    Is This Forum Still Active?

    still here and closing in on 1400!
  3. Phoenix

    Continued Motivation

    I definitely find some months are easier than others. I try to build up a buffer when I know my schedule and the weather (and my motivation) support extra miles and try to give myself grace when I hit a tough patch. It usually evens out in the end.
  4. Phoenix

    made it! 2022!

    made it! 2022!
  5. Phoenix

    Hi all!

    happy to see another turtle runner! 🐢
  6. Phoenix

    and now 1900! so close!

    and now 1900! so close!
  7. Phoenix

    I just did 216 in Nov (making up for a rough early Fall). It was hard, but totally possible...

    I just did 216 in Nov (making up for a rough early Fall). It was hard, but totally possible! Give yourself some grace, do your best and just see where you end up!
  8. Phoenix

    It’s Turkey Trot Season

    Etsy! As it turns out. But I wasn't in time to get one for tomorrow. Need to plan ahead for next year.
  9. Phoenix

    Just passed 1800!

    Just passed 1800!
  10. Phoenix

    It’s Turkey Trot Season

    doing a 4-miler day of, not surenof outfit yet though. i wonder if i can find a pie hat? fav food is definitely pie - apple butter pumpkin, apple cran, cran walnut, sweet potato...
  11. Phoenix

    What are your favorite running conditions and places?

    early morning, 35-55, outdoors but paved. i love fall running on the bike path here. timing so i can see the sunrise is perfect, even if it's hard to pry myself out of bed some days.
  12. Phoenix

    Hi from Camberville, MA

    on my fourth run the year. i don't have a fb account, so very excited about the new app! i do the "all steps count" variety and am right on the edge of on track to make it this year at 1694 miles so far. got side-lined by covid and am now making up the miles.