Dosage recommendations for hgh

Martin Harris

New member
Sep 27, 2024
I’ve been curious about HGH usage ever since I started hitting the gym seriously about a year ago. A friend of mine mentioned how it helped him recover faster and build muscle, so I did some digging. However, I keep hearing different things about the right dosage and how to use it safely. Last month, I decided to try it out but ended up feeling overwhelmed by all the information out there. I read about 2-4 IU per day being common, but I’m not sure if that’s the best way to go for someone like me. Anyone else experienced this? What dosages have worked for you, or any advice on how to approach this?

Rick Rice

New member
Sep 27, 2024
I really understand your standpoint! When I first researched HGH, I was exactly the same. After a few tries, I realized that the best way to begin was to start low, around 2 IU every day, to see how my body reacted. It is essential to be in tune with one's body and to make changes. I found some fantastic information on human growth hormone that helped clear things up for me quite a bit. One thing though, you must see a doctor before doing anything!
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Jin Watkins

New member
Sep 27, 2024
This topic is really interesting! I’ve heard so many different opinions on HGH, and it seems like everyone has their own take on dosages. It’s great to see people sharing their experiences. I personally haven’t tried it, but I know a few gym buddies who swear by it. It’s fascinating how this stuff can impact recovery and performance, though I wonder how much of it is based on individual physiology. Looking forward to seeing what others have to say!
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