I did it! 2023 miles in 2023! So happy. Feel so accomplished!


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Marion R. (60096512)
109.28 miles to go for me
Cathy B. (1224212482)
Becky D. (1864302594)
I kept this one quiet till today I thought a good way to finish my 2023 mile challenge was to do it during the New Orleans big easy Halloween half marathon .. 🧡🖤🎃🎉


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
Way to go!!
Sue S. (1870725122)
Congratulations! That is quite the achievement.
Marion R. (60096512)
Congratulations! Awesome!
Hello Everyone
I am new and looking for my challenge team. Any suggestions?
Lisa L. M. (1407582210)
Just keep going and NEVER GIVE UP
Sue S. (1870725122)
I found my team. Yea! Go Turtle Nation🔥
Marion R. (60096512)
Start a team and openly invite people. I would join!
I worked hard today to get to 1000 miles. I swam over a mile today and did 3 walks that made about 3.5 miles. I wanted to make the 1000 mile mark. I’m doing good after having my glut medius tendon reattached with an IT band lengthening. I’m going to accomplish more miles before December 31st. We all have our journeys. Keep it up!!!


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
Congrats!!! You’re right we definitely all have our journeys to take, sounds like yours is going excellent so far! At least this part of the journey!!! How is your recovery going? When was the surgery?
Lisa L. M. (1407582210)
September 1st. It’s going well. I’m about a week ahead of the recovery schedule but I’m not going to push it. I want to return to my full training eventually.
Marion R. (60096512)
Hi congratulations. Keep up the good work and continue to heal! You are awesome!
I can finally walk without assistive devices or hip brace. Longest walk yet: 3.2 miles. Walking now 2-3 miles daily. I have 16.13 miles left to hit 1000 miles. I won’t make it this year to meet the 2023 miles since I had hip surgery but I keep on trying.


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
That’s amazing news!!! You might not get to 2023 but think about how far you’ve come since you’re surgery! I think you’re awesome and doing spectacular!
Sue S. (1870725122)
Yes you are really doing a great job. Keep up the good work one step at a time.


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