Even though I'm recovering from glut medius tendon repair I'm still trying to add miles. I won't make the 2023 this year but I can still keep moving.


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
Way to go! You’re an encouragement to us all!
Amazing! Every step counts
Nat R. (1218576386)
I also won’t make the 2023 but I’m gonna keep moving and build a base for 2024! Proud of you!
Wondering if I am gonna make it 2023??? 🤔


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
You will make it! Keep up the great work!!!
Gretchen B. (1691615234)
Thank you Cathy.
David V. (3959685121)
It’s definitely doable! Pace yourself, and challenge. But remember as Tony Orlando used to say, if you shoot for the moon and miss, you still land among the stars.
33mi to get to 2000!! And of course 56mi to 2023.
Richard LeBlanc
Thanks for the support ladies!!
Cathy B. (1224212482)
Congrats! You’ll have your 2023 very soon!!!
Richard LeBlanc
I’m done!!


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Made it to 1,100. Behind schedule due to an injury, so fingers are crossed that I can get back to the normal routine and catch up.
Cathy B. (1224212482)
I’m just a little bit ahead I got 1,100 on August 1st. But I had surgery in March. According to my stats if I get 6.06 miles a day I’ll make it to 2,023 by Dec 31st. I live in Western NY so I’d like to be way ahead of that before it snows!!!! You’re doing great! I hope your injury healed well. I’m sorry you had a serious injury but kudos to you for still going!!!
Mike H. (1305083906)
Thank you for the encouragement!
Cathy B. (1224212482)
We all need the encouragement! I’m always happy to give it!!! We’re all working towards the same goal. But those of us who have had greater challenges I like to give extra encouragement because I understand, I’m in the same boat!


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