Closing in on 400 miles and 25lbs


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That’s a great motivator when you see it in writing! Great job!
Cathy B. (1224212482)
Congrats! I do like how you have it written all out like that! I might have to do something as a motivator for myself!
Streaker challenge ready! Down 80 pounds in 6 months.


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That’s amazing!! You’re inspiring!
That’s amazing!! You’re inspiring!
Gerald G. (962265090)
Keep up the hard work
Slow start this year due to a new puppy and recovering from Achilles Bursitis but, finally making some progress. 4 month old puppy, Lilith, can now walk 20 minutes/1 mile with me and my Achilles Bursitis injury from December has healed. Still lower mileage than I’d like but, up to walking 5 miles/day… 1 with Lilith, 4 miles by myself. Onward!


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I know it is not much, but I am moving. And considering what I am fighting against today; fibro exhaustion going into a flair up and a cold; I think 6 easy miles on the stationary bike is acceptable for today. I'll probably do a little stretching too.
Carol S. (700186626)
That’s awesome!
Charity H
With how you’re feeling, 1 mile on the bike would have been impressive, we need a bigger word! You crushed it!! 🙌 Hope you are feeling better soon.
You are doing amazing!! You are moving, that's what counts. I'm proud of you.


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