Off to a slower start but we are rolling!! My mom and my crew 🐶🐶🐶 are my partners. Samson is rehabbing from knee surgery. We should be up and fully running in a month. Enjoying all of your posts and they provide inspiration and motivation! Thank you!


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Aww, look at those cute faces! I’m sure they bring so much joy into your life. Samson looks like a brave and good boy. Good luck with his rehab!
Melissa M. (2713976833)
It looks like you have a great crew with you. ❤️
I did RTE as a team in 2021. This year I’m going solo! Going for 2023 miles. Marathon training for my first marathon is going to bank some miles!! This weekend it’s rock n roll Arizona!! 5K & Half. 👍
This is my first year challenging myself to run/walk 2023. Running my 3rd marathon in March. I’ve heard great things about the rock n roll marathons. Have fun! Good luck!
Karen and her crew 🐶🐶🐶
Cheering you on!!
Sunny 😎 but a chilly 14 degrees in Maine this morning.


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Laurent T.
As long as the sun shines I’m happy!
Brett Waseline
Beautiful scenery, would love to run around that countryside.
Donna S.
That’s beautiful!
I’m not counting daily steps toward my miles. We aren’t supposed to be doing that right? So confusing because when I had my fitbit syncing it included it so I stopped it from syncing and removed those miles. My personal goal is to run every mile. What is everyone else doing? Or what are we supposed to be doing or does it even matter?
I’m only counting the runs, too. But it’s all what you feel is best for you!
I’m currently mostly hiking and walking due to an injury. I don’t think it matters how you get your mileage as long as you get it! I know I have to get 13k steps daily and that’s definitely not something that happens without effort (at least for me).
Each persons goal is different. This is my 3rd run the year challenge, and for me I only count miles run. But some count all movement. Others even have a team that each members miles count towards the total.
Why is it so easy to fall out of shape but getting back into shape is like climbing Mt Everest. 😅


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Consistency is the name of the game.

The more you do, the more you get used to doing more.
The less you do...

The good thing is, maintaining requires less effort than one would think.

It's stopping entirely that makes everything a lot harder.

I have learned that lesson many times. Not too well, I guess.
Round is a shape. Lol
Karen and her crew 🐶🐶🐶
This is exactly how I feel. We went on a hike yesterday and climbed the equivalent of 9 flights. I needed a nap when I got home and getting to the top was a challenge. Looking forward to it being easier as the weeks go by. I have a lot of reconditioning to do!
Spin Class - cadence and ride
8.95 miles


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Jen Marrero
Nice!! How do you get the tracker to count spin classes?
Beth R.
Jen I add the mileage to my the Other Miles in the tracker
Hello, My name is Melissa. I am from the greater St. Louis area. This is my 5th year attempting this challenge. 2022 was my best year so far at 1321 miles completed. I am a walker, I love to hike and enjoy walking fun 5Ks. My goal is to just push myself and see how far I go. So far I am on pace for this year. Here’s to a successful 2023!


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Debbie H.
I’m from O’Fallon!! Thus is my first year!! I’m walker and hiker too!! Good luck!!
Brett Waseline
Welcome. This is going to be your year!!
Hey from SWFL! This is my second RTY and, while the knees won't allow me to run, I'm looking forward to getting in the miles walking.. A lot of my previous walking was done on the beaches here. However, after Hurricane Ian decimated our beaches and Barrier Islands, I'm finding other places to explore!

This will be a great year!!


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