Would love to join a team, but not sure how to go about it, any help would be appreciated
If you go to the main community list you will see a "find a team" section! You will see people who have already requested to add members and you can also of course create your own if you like as well :)
My grandkids call our acreage “T-Rex Ranch”. We have toy T-Rexes hidden around the 30 acres for them to find (sometime compass headings given or GPS coordinates and sometimes just luck). My grandson just bought me a new sign for my bathroom. Lol. Short arm problems. (Hope the pic isn’t too offensive)


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This is AWESOME.
I need to find balance: training, work, house, family. Any advice for 2023?
I heard a talk once that said you can only do "3 things well," meaning you can prioritize 3 things, and the rest will not get your full attention. Example: Family, Health, Work. It really hit me. 1) Pick the things that matter MOST & prioritize them 2) Have grace & different expectations for the things not in my "top 3." Not easy, but we can only do so much. I try to focus on the things I don't want to miss out on :)
Tammy L
I am trying to tell myself multitasking is not a superpower and that it’s not always admirable. Three things. Makes sense. Thank you!! 💜
I’d say it gets better as you age and kids leave home but I’m not finding that true. 😂
Ran an amazing run today and hit a goal of fastest mile in awhile 💪🏻 as part of my running I dedicate 5k’s to my patients I lose on hospice. As a hospice nurse it’s one way to honor my patients as well as mentally process their passing as it gets tough. I’m not a fast runner but it’s definitely my therapy!


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Date night last night doing the Christmas Street Stroll. We did a casual mile and a half and not a single picture. 😂😂😂 sheesh… gotta get a run today for energy burn.


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