Got this little guy tonight! I can’t believe the progress I’m making versus last year at this time. I’m already going to bear last years mileage for the month which is awesome! But I look back 1 year ago and I don’t have a staple coming out of me from a botched surgery or a hernia that popped back out either! Come a long way in a year!


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Today’s 17-minute INTENTIONAL walk brought to you by…

…ALL the layers! 🥶

It was a CHILLY walk tonight for sure‼️

Three layers on the bottom, wool socks, and four layers on top…

…PLUS ALL the hats. 🤣🤣🤣

A little much for a walk? Probably. 🤷🏻‍♀️

But the snow ❄️ did NOT stop me from getting the goal of walking every day…

DONE! ☑️

Walk streak. Day 47‼️


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
That is awesome! Intentional walking is so important and those of us up north definitely need to dress for the weather! Lol! Especially right now! Really feel here yesterday was 0 to -2! Crazy weather and next week supposed to be in the 40’s!! Go figure!
I just turned 58 and am in the worst shape of my life. I was always very active but the weight snuck up on me the past few years. Last year I had complete acl reconstruction and am still feeling pain but decided enough is enough and I want to do this!! 15 days in and on track! 🥳


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
You got this! Good for you for doing this!!! I suffer with chronic pain and my newest addition is a herniated disc that caused a tear and really messing with my left leg, especially my foot. We will see if the injections I had Friday actually helped I need to wait 2 weeks but I’m still moving, numb foot and all!! Lol
Run the Edge has an Instagram page, but we have nowhere to put a link to our own IG pages in our profiles. Nor YouTube, or anything other than X (it’s not Twitter anymore), Skype, and Facebook. 🤔
I’d love to have an estimate on how long till take mods to start approving name change requests. I can’t tell if anyone is even working on it yet, and I have a personal brand that I am known by, so it’s a bit important to me. Anybody have a clue? Has anybody gotten one approved?
Upon suffering a knee injury skiing, I will need to re-think how to achieve miles. For everyone out there who can walk, hike, run, bike, and/or swim keep up the good work!
Cathy B. (1224212482)
I’m so sorry to hear it! I hope you can at least get out to walk. I wonder if there is a way you could use one of those hands cycles. I would think it’s a bike for your arms and there has to be a way to convert it!
Agree with Cathy. I thought before I committed to this about alternatives on the chance of an injury. Run, walk, move is imprecise intentionally. If you can do a different exercise while healing, it’s applicable.
Jennifer M. (2080702464)
Aww shucks. Thanks for the support and positivity. Very kind, and GREAT thinking about a hand cycle.

Cathy and Audra …. Hope your year and miles have felt good, strong, and healthy.
About 4:00 this afternoon it started snowing and has dumped between 5 to 9 inches, depending if you are in town or on the hill. I'm sure there will be no out door activity tomorrow due to the snow and the temperatures dropping to single digits or below. Hopefully, I can make that dreaded treadmill my friend!
Cathy B. (1224212482)
I have high wind warnings and we’re expected 1-3 inches of snow, when they said that last week we got 6-8 inches! I totally can relate but don’t have access to a treadmill! But I’ll be shoveling!!!
Stacey C. (1956904962)
We are getting the same weather here today, and I’m also off to the treadmill today. While I used to call it the dreadmill, I’m shifting my mindset and trying to make friends with it…we have that 2024 goal, so we need to get to LOVE that machine! 🤣🤣🤣
Katherine Benford
Indoor biking 10 miles from me today; however my group that I run and walk with are going out tomorrow morning in the snow will probably hike at least 4 miles. Pure Michigan snow bunnies
Man have I been sick! Sinus infection, coughing non stop until my body physically hurts! I didn’t even move in Monday and I haven’t run in a few days because of it but still moving and getting some exercise and steps in. I’m a little behind at the moment but I am NOT giving up!
Come on get healthy!!!


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
Good for you for not giving up! I hope you feel better soon!!
Oh there are some doozies going around. I hope you feel better soon!


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