Woo hoo!!! Got this today and I should be on track to make 200 by end of the month!!


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Carol S. (700186626)
Congratulations!! I’m behind this month after having bronchitis the first two weeks of January.🙄
Carmen F. (1894711298)
Rocking it!
Cathy B. (1224212482)
Carol you’ll catch up!
"Whatever you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving them."

~Zig Ziglar


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Carol S. (700186626)
Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge is a northern treasure in the National Wildlife Refuge System. It consists of nearly 30,000 acres of federally protected lands in northeastern coastal Maine.
Heyyyy you…Weather man…What’s with the weather?! 🤷🏻‍♀️

It’s actually feeling balmy today!‼️

LOVING the break from the frigid temps and the blistering WIND….so happy for a warmer night, and a purposeful walk‼️

Walk streak. Day 54! ☑️

#staceyrunstheedge2024 #walking #walkingstreak #walkeveryday #walkingburnsfat #lovethewalk


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
There’s that face again! I was hoping everything was ok! Strange weather indeed! We had big fluffy flakes and then snow and rain! Really damp here. Hoping for that nice warming up!
My longest outdoor run. It felt great! At mile 4, I was dreading the last half but in the end, I loved it.y goal race for now is the Live Well Half Marathon in March but I’m also prepping for a 10K next month. I’m a bit behind so far on the 2024 challenge but that’s okay. I know I’ll make it at the end. Hope everyone has a great week!


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
This is great! You did a wonderful job and I love your positivity!
Slowly but surely!


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
Congrats! You got this!
Thank you.
I receive chemo & immunotherapy every other week. So a lot of this is walking, but my husband and I are determined.
Cathy B. (1224212482)
Praying for you! Keep up that determination!
Another snow ❄️ day in the east‼️

Thank you to all the kind neighbors who shoveled their walks. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

You must have known I’d be walking today, right? 😉

Walk streak. Day 50‼️☑️

No stopping me now…I am halfway way to 100 consecutive days of walking! ⭐


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
It’s going to be super cold here tomorrow! I’m in Western NY near Rochester I’m not sure where you are but real feel will get down to -8, bundle up if you walk outside! I love your positivity and encouragement! Keep up the great work! You’ll get to that day 100!
Cathy B. (1224212482)
Stacey, I don’t see a pic with your smiling face today! You ok?
Smiling because I got my run done today….


…despite the fact that there’s not a whole lot of clear sidewalks and pavement. AND, that slick old BLACK ICE is always a good time! 😉

Runner’s 🏃‍♀️TIP: Grab a section that’s clear and just run loops! ANY run outside is better than the treadmill‼️


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
Thank you for the encouragement!! Have you tried Yak Tracks (maybe trax)? They slip right on to the bottom of your sneakers or hiking boots (that’s what I’ve used them on) regular boots as well, they help you drop in the snow and ice. I use them on snowy, icy pavement and stones in my driveway and on the road. They work great! You can even walk on ice!
Got this little guy tonight! I can’t believe the progress I’m making versus last year at this time. I’m already going to bear last years mileage for the month which is awesome! But I look back 1 year ago and I don’t have a staple coming out of me from a botched surgery or a hernia that popped back out either! Come a long way in a year!


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