Newbie, doing the challenge with my daughter. Quite far behind a lot of you, but still proud to have passed the 170 mile make today.


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Marlies D. (2097479682)
❤️ progress is progress! 💯💯💪 GREAT work and what an AWESOME role model you are for your daughter!! #girlpower #getitladies !!!!
Cathy B. (1224212482)
You do exactly what you’re able to, be proud of what you’ve accomplished!! I think it’s great you’re doing this with your daughter! My Mom and I do a lot of virtual challenges together
🙌 #slothprogress 😂 #movement #progress


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
Congrats Marlies!!! Love the hashtag titles!! 😂 You are definitely a positive influence! Thank you for that!
Marlies D. (2097479682)
@cathy B - thank you - I do tend to make light of myself. Appreciate the note and YOU are a positive influence as well for me! Thank you 😊
Cathy B. (1224212482)
@Marlies D. If we can’t be there for each other and encourage each other who will? We understand this is hard and a struggle but we got this!! 2024 here we come!!!
Also, we all need to make light of ourselves, sometimes we take life WAY too seriously!!!


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
Way to go!!! I love these bonus trophies and the fun facts!
Progress, and fun facts when we least expect it.

One step at a time; be aware its the second, third steps are most challenging. Keep up the awesome work.
Yay - 100 - I run some but mainly bike and walk - this challenge is a motivator for me to MAKE it a happen this year. In the past I have done more than 3500 miles alone in biking - getting back in the train!!! All movement is progress 💯💯💯


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Cathy B. (1224212482)
Congrats! I agree all movement is progress! Thank you for the motivation!!


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